Hey, I’m back. Where ya been?

I’ve been away from my blog for a few years. OK, 6. But I’m back. And I see you haven’t even visited to see if I’m still alive! Warning: This blog can be blunt. You may suffer side effects such as involuntary smiles, snickering, or an urge to comment. Don’t panic. It’s normal.  Panic if…

The Top 10 Winning Webinar Secrets for Healthcare Marketers

As experts who market to one of the most challenging industries in the world, healthcare marketing professionals struggle with balancing webinars with effective lead generation. Any whiff of a “marketing pitch” has attendees dropping off like rats from a sinking ship. I know, that’s not what educational webinars are for. So it’s always been. But…

Webinar Mad Libs

What do you really think of the webinars you attend? Fill in the blanks! You can use more than one word. Look, I love a good webinar – and have given a few myself. But any more, a full hour of talking heads and bullet points make me want to (1)_____________. A good webinar should…

Blood from Turnips: Three Budget-Friendly Marketing Programs that Work

Having worked with small and medium sized organizations most of my career (including a few of my own), I know that marketing budgets are never big enough. Yet, no one ever says “can you reduce my lead flow?” Here are three tried and true programs for building your TOFu (Top Of Funnel). 

Taking the “resent” out of Presentation… a quick primer

Coming from the world of Internet marketing, webinars and online education, I’ve seen and participated in my fair share of powerpoint presentations. If you’ve ever sat through an hour of being talked at, you have probably felt like me – that’s an hour of mylife I can’t get back. I ran across this great powerpoint by…

What’s keeping me up at night…

Unlike my husband, I tend to read one book at a time, all the way through. As a result, I have a stack waiting for attention, and with my new Kindle (OK, it’s my son’s…), reading at night has taken on a whole new dimension. Right now, I’m blazing through the last 20% of “The…

A great 3-step primer on Twitter

For those of you who are still a bit confused by a hashtag or @ sign, here is one of the best articles I’ve read on the very basics of how to use Twitter. Check out the article by Michael Timmesch on Engage365 Blog, “Overcoming The 3 Biggest Hurdles To Using Twitter.” Read it at:…

Is This The Next Google?

Recently, what seems like a no-brainer web site launched for self-serve mobile advertising. I couldn’t believe this actually didn’t exist yet, or if it did, it was a well-kept secret. I couldn’t get the site to load, probably due to server overload once the announcement hit… but I’m trying again today. Check it out and…

3 Steps to Being a Good Listener. (Or, “Hey, I Can See Your Underwear!”)

What if your company was as transparent as the Emporer’s New Clothes? “Transparency,” fast becoming the buzz word of the new presidency, should be aimed at us all, even if we’re not receiving federal jackpot money. But what about the rest of corporate America? What if all business became more transparent – and more accessible…